Live-Interactive On-Line Deaf & TBI/ABI Sensitivity Webinar/4-Hr Class has worldwide access.
The unique, premiere Deaf Sensitivity Training Class I Never Gave THAT A Thought! is presented world-wide, “LIVE, via the Internet, ONLINE & INTERACTIVE”! It is a 4-Hr., highly intensive class now being scheduled quarterly or more with other on-demand dates per the requests of clients and people inquiring. A class is scheduled for MONDAY, May 13, 2019 at 9am Pacific, 10am Mountain, 11am Central and 12pm Eastern time. Thirty minutes after the end of the class, a 1-Hr. class on TBI/ABI (Traumatic Brain Injury/Acquired Brain Injury) will be presented entitled Oops—Did I Forget THAT Again? Participants will learn about the needs of those who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing! (DHH) and behavior of survivors of a TBI and ABI. People who complete the class leave with improved communication skills and a better, fuller understanding of one of the more common struggles that society endures: deafness and head injury. The understanding of the needs of individuals who are DHH and head injured is something that is too often ignored and misunderstood. The results are that this population is left vulnerable to life-threatening situations and possible abuse of being left behind in society. People who lack auditory and vocal acuity or who have survived a TBI or ABI deserve to be understood just like anyone else does. Those of you who are in public safety such as hospitals, law enforcement, fire/medical, courts , airports, even airlines and mass transit and other services whose charge is to protect and deliver services, often fall behind in the services provided. Several outcomes for TBI/ABI survivors will be discussed and how to recognize them to assist the people who are survivors of TBI or ABI with their daily life challenges. We’ll announce more dates here as they are confirmed. Seats are limited, so register today. Class materials will be sent via email with booklets being sent to you via U.S. Postal Service to arrive about a week to ten days prior to the class, time permitting. Late registrants will receive class materials only via email. For online classes, please purchase an inexpensive pair of earplugs at your nearest pharmacy. If you are unfamiliar with the topic of Deaf Sensitivity and want to learn more before committing—- free informational webinars are held every month. We delve into the contents of our class and what deaf sensitivity is. You can register for the webinar online here or to learn more, call 480 615-8900. Blindness separates people from things. Deafness separates people from people.